The Dsus guitar chord might refer to Dsus4 or Dsus2, for this reason it is important to clarify. The Dsus4 guitar chord has the notes D G and A. It takes these notes from the root, perfect 4th, and perfect 5th of the D major scale. As for Dsus2 guitar chord, it uses the notes D, E, and A, the root, major 2nd, perfect 5th of the D major scale.
In this article we will show you how to play a total of 10 dsus chords (5 of each), as well as the theory behind each and other freuqntly asked questions. Want to learn more about sus chords? Check out our suspended chords article for more in depth info.

About Suspended Chords (Dsus2 & Dsus4)
To begin, Sus is short for “suspension” In music, a suspension is a non chord tone that is used intentionally to create tension. This means that sus chords sound very anticlimactic and unstable. They call for another chord to complete them.
Whether you are using a sus4 chord or a sus 2 chord, they usually precede a major or minor chord with the same root. Basically, you can follow a Dsus4 with D major chord. Alternatively, you can follow a Dsus2 chord with a D minor chord. These aren’t rules, just suggestions and common practice. Always trust your ear to know what sounds good to you!
Strumming a D major and throwing in a Dsus guitar chord every now and then can really spice up your chord progressions. Give it a try with these chord charts.
One more thing! Sus chords are not technically major or minor, because they have no 3rd. So these sus chords can be used in D major AND D minor. Just some food for thought.
DSus4 Guitar Chord Theory
The Dsus4 chord, a staple in the world of suspended chords, offers a sense of harmonic tension and release due to its structure and typical resolution. The chord is built on the foundation of a D major scale, substituting the major chord’s third scale degree (F#) with the fourth (G), hence the name “suspended fourth.” This alteration creates a chord comprised of D (the root), G (the perfect fourth), and A (the perfect fifth), which delivers a suspended, unresolved sound.
The Dsus4 chord is often used to add textural richness and is commonly followed by a resolution to the D major chord, where the G note (the suspended fourth) resolves down a half step to the F# (the major third), completing the sense of musical resolution. To deepen your understanding and aural recognition of this chord movement, listen for the subtle shift from the G note (Fa) to the F# (Mi) in the D major chord.
Interval | Note |
Root | D |
4th | G |
5th | A |
This table encapsulates the Dsus4 chord’s composition, highlighting the intervals and notes that give it its distinctive suspended sound.
How To Play DSus4 Guitar Chord
If you just wanna know how to play the chord and don’t care about music theory, here you go. 🙂
If you’re not familiar with the diagrams below? Check out this article on how to read chord charts (it’s pretty easy)
DSus4 Open Chord
To play the open chord version, follow these steps:
- Place your index finger on the 2nd fret of the G string
- Next, place your middle finger on the 3rd fret of the B string
- Then, place your pinky finger on 3rd fret of the high e string
- Finally, strum the top 4 strings while muting the bottom 2 strings (low e & A string)

DSus4 Barre Chord
This one is what’s known as a barre chord, which means one finger is laid across to fret multiple strings. To play this one, follow the steps:
- Lay your index finger across the 5th fret
- Next, place your middle finger on the 7rd fret of the D string
- Then place your ring finger on the 7th fret of the G string
- Then place your pinky finger on the 8th fret of the B string
- Finally strum all of the strings except for the bottom E string

Other Ways To Play DSus4 Chord

DSus2 Guitar Chord Theory
The DSus2 chord is a captivating variant within guitar chord theory, characterized by its airy and open quality. It is constructed by taking a D major chord and replacing the third degree (F#) with a major second (E), thus consisting of D (the root), E (the major second), and A (the perfect fifth). This modification gives the DSus2 chord a less resolved sound compared to traditional major or minor chords, allowing it to serve as a versatile transitional chord that can lead into either a D major or D minor chord, or stand on its own for a more ambiguous, unresolved harmonic effect. The major second interval injects a brightness into the chord, creating a sense of expansion and anticipation in the listener.
Interval | Note |
Root (1st) | D |
Major 2nd | E |
Perfect 5th | A |
This table offers a clear view of the DSus2 chord’s structure, emphasizing how each interval contributes to its distinctively open and expansive sound.
How To Play DSus2 Guitar Chord
If you actually needed to know how to play a Dsus2 chord, here you go 🙂
DSus2 Open Chord
The step by step instructions are:
- Place your middle finger on the 2nd fret of the G string
- Place your pinky on the 3rd fret of the B string
- Strum the top 4 strings except for the bottom E string & A string.
Alternatively, you can use your index & ring finger if that’s easier for you

DSus2 Barre Chord

Other Ways To Play DSus2 Chord

Learn To Play Other Suspended Guitar Chords
Letter | Suspended Chords |
A | Asus2, Asus4 |
B | Bsus2, Bsus4 |
C | Csus2, Csus4 |
D | Dsus2, Dsus4 |
E | Esus2, Esus4 |
F | Fsus2, Fsus4 |
G | Gsus2, Gsus4 |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Dsus chord on guitar?
D sus is a chord that uses the notes D G and A. Sus4 means that the 4th of the scale is used in the chord instead of the 3rd.
What is the difference between D and Dsus?
D is a major chord with the notes D F A. D sus 4 temporarily changes the F to a G. Thus the notes of a Dsus4 chord are D G A.
Is Dsus the same as Dsus4?
Usually yes, but remember that while Dsus4 is the most common sus chord, it’s not the only type. So always specify what you mean by adding which note (2 or 4) you will be suspending.
Hopefully you have a good understanding of the Dsus guitar chord. If not, the most important thing you should know is that a Dsus4 chord uses the notes D, G, and A, while a Dsus2 chord uses the notes D, E, and A. Sus chords use either the 4th or the 2nd scale degree of a major scale in place of the 3rd to sound unstable. This creates a really satisfying alternation between the sus chord and the respective major or minor chord.